Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hard Rock Park Opens Spring 2008

Forget Coachella, Bonnaroo . . . hell even forget All Points West (even though it is basically, in my back yard)!

The summer destination that has me grinning like a little kid is the 140-acre Hard Rock Park in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

I practically lived at Six Flags when I was a little rocker (neon shorts and tees / ponytail to the side, thank you!) and just the idea of combining music with memories of summer fun well . . . . they had me at the Magic Mushroom Garden and the Slippery When Wet kiddie coaster. (I know there's something slightly wrong with calling a kid's ride that but I just don't care!)

The HRP's crowning jewel is Led Zeppelin-The Ride, a 155 -foot roller coaster that blares "Whole Lotta Love" as you go whizzing by.

And of course, there are plenty of music venues on hand too.

The park opens in May and I want to be first in line at the Love Shack Snack Booth!

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